Now hair transplant is the only medical solution for people who have permanent hair loss.
How is the hair transplant surgery?
There are two types of hair for males and females. Permanent Hair on the side and back of the head and the hair on the middle and the provisional front of the head and genetically programmed to fall, Hair transplant depends on the transfer of hair follicles intact parts of the permanent hair in the back and sides to the
effected areas bald in the middle and forward without changing landscape in the back hair.
Require a hair transplant in most cases, three sessions on the relatively long intervalsthree to four months, the one-day meeting about three to four hours, during which the patient was sitting in his chair watching TV and enjoy eating your favorite, and fed without any pain. After local anesthesia grafts taken from the back of the head and is a slice of skin containing hair follicles and. Hair healing light bandage is removed after 24 hours, then come back the patient a normal life. Transplanted hair begins to grow after three months of the transplant and it seems a natural scene and but little density. Increasing density of transplanted hair after a session or two additional meetings.
Does Hair Transplants for Women?
Is not age and sex do not even factors of importance in hair transplantation. Can become women with hair loss and severe for the first time hair transplant natural and thanks to modern technology: Micrograft & Minigraft Techniques which have enabled to grow high-precision grafts between existing hair, get hair with greater intensity. In addition to the short recovery period that allows the practice to return to normal activity in the shortest time.
Do hair transplant look like natural hair?
The use of the latest medical technology as well as guarantee the restoration of your natural hair which can not be distinguished from the hair that lost in the past – Hair transplant look like natural hair %100.
How long time will the new hair transplant live?
New hair will stay alive as long as the back hair areas alive, you can cut it because it can grow, you can swim, you can take your shower, transplanted hair look like your natural hair … It is the result that you want.
Healthy Hair Faster Hair Growth.
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