In order to grow your hair longer, faster and save it from any damage like; dryness, frizz, breakage, and split ends, you will need to protect your hair as possible from these factors; heat, bad weather, dust, sun, ultraviolet rays, and wind. Protective hairstyles are an excellent solution to get healthy long hair, you can do one of these hairstyles: Twist bun or a soft, messy bun hair, halo braid, lace braided bun.
Important Notes:
1- Avoid using the hair elastics as possible when you do any hairstyle of these as hair elastics damage and harm the hair tips. If you want to use a hair tie you can use E&K healthy hair tie.
2- Skip the hair spray step, because using a lot of hairspray dryness the hair, causes hair loss and scalp inflammation.
3- Make sure when you do any one of these hairstyles to twist or cover your hair ends, in other words, don’t leave your hair ends exposed to air, sun, or any factor which causes damaged hair.
Here are many hairstyles ideas images and videos which are very easy to do yourself at home:
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